/ 案例 / Hospitality / 详情
Dunhuang Hexi Corridor Grand Hotel

London Property Excellence Award (OPAL)

Silver medal

Dunhuang Hexi Corridor Grand Hotel

Project Overview

The doorway adopts the thinking mode of modern architecture,extracts the image of streamer from the flying fresco and extends the regular body,plus the commonly used arch fighting elements in the local architecture,through the structural change,the two are integrated.In many parts of the room,niches are used to outline the rich and not fussy space atmosphere,but also to interpret the many regional characteristics of Dunhuang Grottoes.

Project Commissioner
Dunhuang Hexi Corridor Grand Hotel

Project Creator
DHIA Cheng chimin International Space Design Firm

Outstanding Property Award London (OPAL) is a global event created by the world-renowned Farmanigroup. It is an international AWARD that supports and recognises high-end interior design, architecture and PROPERTY development talent from around the world. The aim is to celebrate and reward the most outstanding project ideas and craftsmanship in these three areas worldwide.

Founded in 1985, FARMANI GROUP is an international design awards authority that certifies the best projects and designs from all over the world. The Lucie Awards, The International Design Awards and The European Product Design are internationally renowned Award (European Product Design Award), London International Creative Competition (London International Creative Award), ArchitectureMasterPrize (US AMP Award) and other awards are awarded by Farmani Group.